Thursday 22 March 2018



Refuse disposal system is a technique for the collection, treatment and disposal of the solid wastes of a community. The development and operation of these systems is often called solid waste management.

The sight of a dustbin overflowing and the stench rising from it, the all too familliar sight and smells of a crowded city long time ago. Nowadays, there are a lot of ways of getting rid of garbage so people won’t have to see it or smell it. For example, biodegradation, composting, incineration and landfill are the effective ways in refuse disposal system.

To collect refuse, there are three main points to be considered which are
1) The nature of the waste ( perishable or unperishable)
2) The nature of the premises generating the waste ( domestic, industrial and commercial)
3) The location of the point of generation ( height from the ground, position on the floor layout)

Refuse disposal system is so important because it able to keep our surrounding and environment clean and comfortable as all garbage produce by human had been collected and

Source of Waste
lMunicipal waste ( household waste, commercial waste and demolition waste )
lHazardous waste ( industrial waste )
lBiomedical waste ( clinical waste )
lSpecial hazardous waste ( radioactive waste, explosive waste and electronic waste )

In this topic, we are mainly focus in municipal waste as it is the main source of waste in our daily life.

Municipal Waste

Municipal solid waste commonly know as trash, garbage, refuse and rubbish. Municipal waste is defined at the national level as wastes consisting of everyday item such as product packaging, grass clippings, furniture, clothing, bottles and cans, food scraps and newspaper. These wastes come from homes, institution such as schools and hospitals and commercial sources such as restaurants and small business.

Source and Type of Municipal Solid Waste

1) Residential
lResidences and home where people live are some of the major sources of solid waste.
lExample : food wastes, plastics, paper, glass leather, cardboard, tires, batteries
2) Industrial
lIndustries are known to be one of the biggest contributor of solid waste such as light or heavy manufacturing industries, construction sites and canning plants
lExamples : housekeeping wastes, packaging waste, construction and demolition wastes, medical wastes

3)  Commercial
lCommercial building and facilities in this case refer to hotel, markets, restaurants and office building.
l Example : plastics, metals, paper, cardboard materials, wood, food waste

4)  Institution
lInstitutional centers like schools, colleges, prisons and military barracks
lExample : glass,rubber wastes, plastics, electronics

5)  City Centre
lSuch as drainage and rood
lExample : garden wastes, construction waste, public waste

Municipal solid waste is segregate and categories based on their physical compositions which are organic and inorganic waste.

1) Organic waste
uFood waste ( vegetables, meats )
uGarden waste ( dried leaves, twigs, cut glasses )
uTextile and rubber ( clothes, leather products )
uPaper and box ( newspaper, vary type of paper and box products )

2) Inorganic waste
uGlass ( vary type of glass products used in home, laboratory and etc )
uMetal ( zinc, chromium, ferrous product )

Buildings < 4 storeys
  • Traditional and by far the cheapest system of waste disposal system.
  •  People are responsible for maintaining collection containers.
  • In general, the number of bins required is too large.
  • Significant collection, transportation and human resource are required.
  • It is a very large cylindrical bin on wheels.
  • Bigger capacity – almost 1meter and require special kind of collecting wheels.
Building > 4 storeys

Refuse chute

  • Refuse chute is a mean of transporting waste materials by chute from the point of disposal in high rise residential or office building to a diffuse collection room at the base of the chute.
  • In high rise flats it is not practical or hygienic to carry dustbins or bag down to the ground floor for subsequent collection.
  • A method of overcoming this problem is to provide a refuse chute carried vertically through the building, with an inlet hopper on each floor.
  • The hoppers must be designed to close the chute when they are opened to receive refuse or otherwise people on the lower floors might be covered with refuse from above when they put their own refuse into the hopper
  • This type of hopper also prevents dust, smoke and smells rom passing through to the floors.

Volume reduction system
  • When refuse collection system involve large volumes of materials, it may be considered viable to install a means of reducing the volume of material.
  • Volume reduction can be achieved by:




Sink grinders

  • Several types of sink grinders are available, which are used mainly for the disposal of food waste, but cannot be used for metals, plastics, ceramics or string.
  • The grinder works with an amount of tap water to pulverize the material in order to allw for removal via an ordinary sink waste pipe.
  • The grinder which is fitted under the sink, reduces the food waste to fine particles, which can be carried away by the wastewater to the foul water drain.

A landfill site (also known as a tip, dump, rubbish dump, garbage dump or dumping ground and historically as a midden) is a site for the disposal of waste materials by burial.

Can hold large amounts of waste in inert condition
Can pollute the water, the air and also the soil
Most cost-efficient way
Dangerous chemicals can spread into the water table
Properly managed landfills can remove all recyclable materials before tipping
Cause sicknesses, illnesses, and diseases which might spread in communities.
Low initial investment
Increase the chances of global warming
Can be used to make energy by capturing methane gas
Taking up lots of our land


             Rapid economic development and population growth, inadequate infrastructure and expertise and land scarcity make the management of municipal solid waste become one of Malaysia's critical environment issues. The study is aimed at solid waste management based on published information. in general, the per capita generation rate is about 0.5-0.8 kg per person/day in which domestic waste is primary source. Currently , solid waste managed by the Ministry of Housing and Local Government, with the participation of the private sector.
                 A new institutional and legislation framework has been structured with the objective to establish a holistic, integrated and cost-effective solid waste management system, with an emphasis on environmental protection and public health. therefore, the hierarchy of solid waste management has given the highest priority to source reduction through 3R,(reduce, recycle, reuse) intermediate treatment and final disposal .



The National Strategic Plan for Solid Waste Management (the Strategic Plan) that has been prepared is to serve as a guide in planning and allocating resources based on national priorities and consensus. The Strategic Plan is in line with the vision for Malaysia to achieve a fully developed country status by 2020.

 Municipal Solid Waste Management (SWM) is a basic sanitary service that is crucial for maintaining the health of urban and rural communities and protection of the environment. An Action Plan for a Beautiful and Clean Malaysia, the ABC Plan, was prepared in 1987, and since then no national plan for municipal SWM has been prepared. Effective management of solid wastes is one of the prerequisites for Malaysia to achieve a developed country status. It is generally recognized that there is a strong relationship between effective management of solid wastes and a good quality of life and a healthy environment.

The attractiveness of the country to foreign visitors and investments is very much influenced by a clean and healthy environment. The time has come for many crucial decisions to be made on municipal SWM with respect to the impending SWM Act. These decisions include the finalization of the SWM Concession Agreement for privatization of SWM; enhancing waste reduction, re-use and recovery (the 3 Rs); and investments in new infrastructure facilities such as sanitary landfills, transfer stations and intermediate facilities.
Related image
Case Building ( Block 11 )

In Block 11, the only refuse disposal system we can find is the rubbish bin which located in in front of lecturer hall, studio, corner and other conspicuously place. The rubbish bin is used to collect the daily garbage and transported to landfill site as usual.

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