Tuesday 6 March 2018

Building Services Task 3

Water Supply System
The water supply system is the essential link of the water supply source and the receiver. It is an elaborate conveyance system that allows water to be moved through miles of piping before reaching a tap. Water supply from the mains to the building is through one of the following system which is direct supply system and indirect supply system depending on the pressure of the water and timings of the supply.
Indirect Supply System
The case building is used indirect supply system because the system prevents pressure drop at peak demand period. It used generally when the pressure in the main is not sufficient. The water is pumped directly to the overhead storage tank block B11 and from there the water is supplied to different floors by gravity. The water is stored in the underground tank and from there water is pumped to the overhead tank block B11 and then it is supplied to different floors by gravity.

Source of Water Supply

There are three primary sources of water which is groundwater, surface water and rainwater. Water sources can be classified as protected or unprotected. 

  • Protected sources are secured by stonework, concrete or other materials that avoid the passage of physical, chemical and natural contaminants. 
  • Unprotected sources are those with no barrier or other structure to secure the water from contamination. All surface water sources, such as lakes, waterways and streams or ineffectively developed wells, are cases of unprotected sources. Water from unprotected sources cannot be considered secure to drink unless it has been treated.
Groundwater was characterized as water that is found underground inside rocks. Its presence depends basically on the sort of shake. Groundwater is a common source for single homes and little towns.

 Surface water is withdrawn by building admissions structure. Admissions structures are classified as lake admissions, store admissions, stream admissions and canal admissions. River dammed to make reservoirs and reservoirs store water during overwhelming rain. The variable quality of surface water implies it has to be treated to make it secure for household consumption. There are a few different strategies of water treatment at expansive and little scale. The amount of water in rivers and lakes clearly shifts with rainfall and there can be wide changes at different times of year. To ensure year-round supply, dams can be built to make reservoirs from which water can be extricated earlier to treatment. 
Rainwater falls naturally over all of our planet, except in the very harshest and driest deserts. Rainwater can be a good source of water supply for individual families and small communities. The storage of rainwater is particularly important in areas with a long dry season.
Johor River
The source of water supply for our case building which in block B11 in UTM, Skudai is Johor River. The proper authorities will treat the Johor River become the drinking water and transfer the water to the reservoir 1 UTM then distribute the water to block B11 by using the water supply system.

Water Purification

Water purification is the process of removing undesirable chemicals, biological contaminants, suspended solid and gases from water. The methods used include physical processes such as filtration, sedimentation, Disinfection, Coagulation and Screening. Purifying water may reduce the concentration of particulate matter including suspended particles, parasites, bacteria, algae, viruses, fungi, as well as reducing the concentration of a range of dissolved and particulate matter.

Process of Water Purification

1.  Screening
Water from lakes, rivers or the ground passes through a screen as it enters the water treatment plant. When the water source is a lake or river, the screen serves an vital work, keeping out huge common contaminants such as plants and wood, or fish. In case ground water is used, screening may not be necessary since the water has passed through layers of the soil in what is basically a normal screening function.

2.  Coagulation
Treatment plant specialists include alum and other chemicals to the water, which cause little sticky particles, or flocculation, to shape. These flocculation pull in soil particles, making them eventually overwhelming sufficient to sink to the bottom of the water storage tank.

3.  Sedimentation
The water and flocculation flow into a sedimentation bowl. As the water sits there, the overwhelming flocculation settle to the foot, where they remain until removal.

4.  Filtration
Water passes through layers of rock, sand and maybe charcoal, which serve to filter out any remaining particles. The rock layer is regularly almost 1 foot deep and the sand layer around 2½ feet deep.

5.  Disinfection
Water goes into a closed tank or reservoir. Chlorine or other sanitizing chemicals murder any remaining microorganisms or bacteria in the water and help keep the water clean until distribution. In the event that a water treatment facility uses ground water as its as it were water source, disinfection may be the as it were step required to adequately treat the water. After it is cleaned, the filtered water sits in the closed tank or store until it flows through pipes to homes and businesses.

Water Distribution System

The purpose of distribution system is to deliver water to consumer with appropriate quality, quantity and pressure.

Requirements of Good Distribution System
  1. Water quality should not get deteriorated in the distribution pipes.
  2. It should be capable of supplying water at all the intended places with sufficient pressure head.
  3. It should be capable of supplying the requisite amount of water during firefighting.
  4. All the distribution pipes should be preferably laid one meter away or above the sewer lines.
  5. It should be fairly water-tight as to keep losses due to leakage to the minimum.

Method of Water Distribution

In UTM, the method of water distribution is using combined gravity and pumping system. This system is most common system. It also are economical, efficient and reliable system. First, treated water is pumped and stored in an elevated distribution reservoir. Then supplies to tank in B11 through pipe. Distribution Reservoirs also called service reservoirs are the storage reservoir, which store the treated water for supplying water during emergencies and also to help in absorbing the hourly fluctuations in the normal water demand.

Principles of Design of Water Supply System in Building
  • Plumbing installations and appurtenance ought to be provided with water in sufficient volume and at weights satisfactory to function satisfactorily and without undue clamor under all circumstances.
  • The plan of pipe should be made so that there is no contact between the lines feeding to the cistern or any such other apparatus with those feeding water for human consumption.
  • Pipe arrange ought to be totally water tight and too remain undamaged either by activity loads, vibrations or temperature and any strains of buildings.
  • Pipe arrange in the premises ought to be ideal release of water is gotten steady with economy. The system ought to be free from water hammer, erosion and should too see aesthetic.
  • The pipe network ought to be laid and settled that it does not pass by the side of any sewage line or refuse drain nor does it pass through any field of foul ground where soil or city have been kept and fertilizer dumps.
  • The pipe network should be laid and settled so that it shell be open at any time for going to harms, leakages etc.
  • The pipe organize ought to be of satisfactory measure to allow the wanted rate of flow.
  • The pipe network ought to be isolated into areas to encourage repairs. These areas should be separated by valves in arrange that a segment can be separated for repairs keeping the rest of the distribution.
  • The strategies of joining pipe ought to be such as to dodge water loses.
  • Whenever the pipes are bowed it ought to be so made that these are not likely to substantially decrease or change cross section.
  • The piping ought to be so laid that air locks do not happen and it should be possible to flush out the organize from time to time.
Material for Water Supply System in Block B11

PVC stand for polyvinyl chloride. Of the different sorts of plastic pipe used for water supply, PVC has a wide variety of plumbing uses, from waste pipe to water mains. It is most commonly used for water system piping, domestic, and building supply piping.
Galvanized pipe steel or iron pipe that has been galvanized with a zinc coating. This galvanized coating keeps the water from corroding the pipe. Since of the sum of work that goes into cutting, threading, and installing galvanized pipe, it is seldom used in homes but for restricted use in repairs.

Component of Water Supply System in Block B11

1. Piping
2. Tap
3. Float Valve
4. Pumps
5. Water Tank
6. Filter
7. Service Valve

Installation of water tank on ground

1. Water tank is placed on reinforced concrete slab (base). Slab is level and is 200mm greater than the diameter of tank.
2. Care out the pipework. Take pipe directly into the ground to avoid running over pipe and breaking fitting. Do all the pipework with combination of pipe and elbow of 45º and 90º.
3. When pipework is exposed and over a long distance, insert a length of flexible pipe, this absorbs any shocks and movement.

4. Install all of the parts without glue initially to make sure all of the parts fit properly and that you can secure the pipe to wall or the tank with brackets.
5. Next make the outlet connection. Carefully drill out the blank with 25mm spade bit, make sure that
don’t damage thread where the top or hose fitting will screw into the tank.
6. Install a flexible hose between the pump (only for high rise building) and the tap. This will absorb vibration and shock from the pump reducing the likelihood of parts cracking and leaking. Since Block B11 only consist of 4 stories (low rise building) , pump is no required.


Water tanks are fairly low-maintenance installation

1.pay regular attention to gutters to make sure they are clean and clear
2.clear and clean any strainers and filters regularly
3.flexible coupling must be fitted to each outlet to validate the guarantee

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