Monday 26 February 2018

Building Services Task 2


Task 2


     On 22 Feb 2018, we had the second class for building services at that afternoon. We had learned about what is building services and what shall we learn during the whole semester in this class. Through the class, we know about the importance and relationship towards comfort to human being in terms of the thermal, sound, cleanliness. For instance, all the lecture hall had installed air conditional to provide a good study condition to student as it is keep away from the hot weather.  Also, no matter university, office, market or other place, take a good care on cleanliness become a necessary to have nice appearance and high satisfaction standard. Furthermore, building should be design with features to provide lighting, comfortable space and convenient. In addition, building will be divided by 3 system which are mechanical system, electrical and building operation. Next, the function of buildings are to provide shelter and an environmental where people can feel comfortable to work and live.  In this class, we can clearly see that a comfort material in a building in very important as it effect on human health and productivity.



Drainage System

       Drainage system refers to the arrangement provided in a house or building for collecting or conveying waste through drain pipes.Washroom, bathroom, sinks, wash basins are important components of a building.The waste water from those places is to be properly disposed in to a municipal sewers. Thus it is very important to have a good house drainage system.

       Drainage pipes can be divided into several parts which are soil pipe, waste pipe, vent pipe and rain water pipe. The internal drainage of most agricultural soil is good to prevent severe water logging, but many soil need artificial drainage to improve production or to manage water supplies.

     Surface water in or near emergency settlements may come from household and water point waste water, leaking toilets and sewers, rainwater or rising floodwater. The main health risks associated with surface water are contamination of water supplies and the living environment, damage to toilets and dwellings, vector breeding and drowning. Rainwater and rising flood waters can worsen the drainage situation in a settlement and further increase the risk of contamination. A proper drainage plan, addressing storm water drainage through site planning and waste water disposal using small-scale, on-site drainage, should be implemented to reduce potential health risks to the population. This section addresses small-scale drainage problems and activities.
Drainage are special care is needed to protect toilets and sewers from flooding in order to avoid structural damage and leakage so it will be comfort to the user.

Fire Alarm System

Fire is one of the most dangerous events.It occurs every minute everyday in somewhere in the world.Fire can destroy everything, thousand of live, cause injuries and loss of millions of dollars. It is very important to detect fire before the situation become worse.

There are 4 types of fire detection which are:
- heat detector
-smoke detector
-flame detector 
- fire gas detector 

The field of fire detection has advanced to where detectors and alarm devices have combined to become life-safety systems. The purpose of an automatic fire-alarm system is to detect an occurrence, alert the control panel and proper authorities, and notify the occupants to take action.

Fire alarm system is required by majority of building such as hypermarket and school because it is very useful to warn occupants of a fire so they can safely evacuate the premises. Placement of a fire alarm system will depend on the type of alarm required and the layout of the building.The alarm should be placed at a safe distance from lights, ceiling fans or air conditioning vents because the cooler air and flow could prevent proper detection of fire, heat or smoke.

Proper installation of fire alarm systems is important so that the detectors will operate effectively and the audible and lighted alerts can easily warn occupants in case of a fire.

With the fire alarm systems, occupants feel protected and safety to stay at the particular building as any emergency happen, they are be informed at the first second. They have enough time to escape from the bad situation.


An elevator or lift is a type of vertical transportation that moves people or goods between floors (levels, decks) of a building, vessel, or other structure. Elevators/lift are generally powered by electric motors that either drive traction cables and counterweight systems like a  hoist, or pump hydraulic fluid to raise a cylindrical piston like a jack.

Why want to get elevator in a building?

(1). Increase property value
Having a elevator installed can add significant value to your building, making it a elevator up profitable investment. Many prospective buyers today gravitate toward buildings featuring elevator access. This is because many buyers are looking to the future where accessibility may become a big deal for them, should their mobility diminish. Even if you're not currently benefitting from every aspect of the elevator, it can significantly increase your building' s resale value.

(2). Functionality
Elevators for building use, in general, can make trips of climbing stairs or mocing heavy, bulky items much easier. Improving your mobility is one of the leading benefits of utilizing building elevators. Of course, those who require greater physical effort to move about their multi-level building will benefit from an elevator the most, simply eliminating much of the average legwork of traversing your building or conveying objects is a benefit any buyer can enjoy.

(3). Convenience
Few people realize that a building elevator takes up much less space than standard stairwells. This can open up the building, providing buyers with more space. Buyers that choose to invest in a buildingelevator can easily increase the useable square footage of their building, which ultimately helps to increase future resale value. You could also use such an elevator to carry groceries, boxes and heavy object without worrying about a tiring trek up the stairs.

(4). Ease of use
Just about everyone has had to use an elevator at least once in their life. At the push of a button, you could be moving between floors of your building. Think about what would mean for people who have to carry heavy object, groceries, or boxes up or down flights of stairs to complete a single task. This is a lot of saved time and energy, simplifying their lives exponentially.

(5).  Space-saving design
As the technology advances and engineers learn more about how to reduce the amount of space required by the elevator and its motor, elevators can be designed to take up less space than a stairwell. They can be installed on the exterior of a building to be flush with the wall, or built in such a way as to effectively open up space that was previously unavailable or unsed.

Air Conditional

Air conditioning (often referred to as AC, A/C, or air con) is the process of removing heat and moisture from the interior of an occupied space, to improve the comfort of occupants. Air conditioning can be used in both domestic and commercial environments. This process is most commonly used to achieve a more comfortable interior enironment, typically for humans or animals; however, air conditioning is also used to cool/ dehumidify rooms filled with heat-producing electronic devices, such as computer servers, power amplifiers, and even to display and store artwork.

Evaporative Coolers-Rooftop Cooling Units 
Evaporative coolers, also called "swamp coolers" rely on the evaporation of water to cool building air, rather than the movement of a refrigerant through cooling coils.

Typical Residential Central Air Conditioning System
The most common central residential air conditioning system incorporates an indoor air handler unit or AHU which draws building air through return dects from the living space, cools it by moving the air across an evaporator coil, and sends cooled and dehumidified air back into the living area through supply ducts and registers.

 Liquid refrigerant is released into the interior of the evaporator coil, changing its state from liquid to gas and thereby cooling the evaporator coil (which in turn cools and dehumidifies air which is blown across the coil).

Refrigerant used to cool the evaporator coil runs in independent piping, usually copper, from the evaporator coil outside to a compressor and condenser unit where the refrigerant is repressurized, cooled, and returned back inside to the evaporator coil as a liquid. The photos (above) show a basement AHU, an outdoor compressor/condenser, and flex-duct in an attic.

Horizontal Attic or Crawl Space Air Handler Unit for Central Air Conditioning
Attic air conditioning equipment for residential air conditioning systems includes an air handler unit such as the one shown in this photo, combined with an outside compressor/condenser such as the one shown earlier above.

Independent Spilt Systems or Ductless Air Conditioning or Heat Pumps
Ductless air conditioning systems do not make use of an air handler connected to duct work to distribute conditioned air the for central cooling and/or heating. These include ductless systems mounted on roofs or in attics and wall-mounted units (shown here) which may typically an indoor fan and evaporator coil to produce cooled and dehumidified air, but which route refrigerant to an outside compressor/condenser unit.

 Portable or Ductless Air Conditioning or Heat Pumps
Portable or ductless air conditioning systems such as the units shown above work by exhausting warm room air through a window or flex duct section connected to an outdoor opening. If you use such a unit without providing a warm air exhaust to outdoors the effectiveness of the cooling system is of necessity limited. Condensate produced by cooling the air also needs to be drained by gravity, by emptying a reservoir, or by connecting a condensate pump.
  1. Do not cover the air discharge on these units or the equipment won't work and may even be damaged
  2. The manufacturer recommends unplugging the unit from its electrical connection before servicing
  3. These portable air conditioner units should be connected to a single-outlet electrical circuit. And if electrical power to the unit is interrupted, leave the equipment off for at least three minutes before re-starting.

Wall Convectors : HVAC units for heating and air conditioning
Wall convectors are often used for both heating and cooling in commercial installations and high-rise apartment buildings.
The unit shown has its own compressor mounted right in the cabinet, visible at lower center in the photo.
Wall-mounted heating and cooling convector installations may be designed with one central heater or cooling system which feeds multiple units with chilled or heated water or possibly refrigerant from a single remote heating and cooling heat pump.

 Window-Mounted Air Conditioners: Windows or Wall-Mounted or Portable Room Air Conditioners
The window-mounted air conditioner in these photographs is a small 8,000 BTUh unit but it was installed in a strategic location at the top of a second floor stair. It is able to cool the entire second floor of this home (one large, very well-insulated room) and additional cool air flows down the stairwell to also deliver cool and dehumidified air to the lower floor of this home. The photo of the exterior of this unit shows that there has been some damage to the cooling fins of the condensing coil on the back of the unit, but not enough to warrant action.

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Network

Information and communication technology (ICT) is an another/extensional term for data technology (IT) which stresses the part of bound together communications and the integration of broadcast communications (phone lines and remote signals), computers as well as essential venture program, middleware, capacity, and audio-visual frameworks, which empower clients to get to, store, transmit, and control data. A network is two or more computers, or other electronic gadgets, associated together so that they can trade information.
Wifi Modem

The common use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) has till at this time impacted all fields in time almost all the building will fix the ICT network. Many nations see ICT as a potential tool for change and innovation in the education field.This is because ICT network can offer assistance all of you exchange new ideas. Most of us try to remain up to date with changes in our fields either through proceeding our education or through reading up on industry news, but there’s a riches of knowledge out there which you can pick up get to to by basically talking to other experts in your industry. Being on the accepting end of these new ideas permits you to present modern practices in your work environment and win focuses with your boss. What’s more, it helps you stay on best of changes in the industry which not as it were makes a difference you stay employed but is too a awesome to begin with step in professional growth.

ICT network also will becomes your resource. You likely have tons of questions almost your industry that not indeed Google can help you with. Talking to other experts can help you resolve these questions. Your proficient arrange basically functions as your asset since as the old saying goes two minds are way better than one. Having these associations implies that you can tap into their information at whatever point you require to


The term 'lighting' refers to equipment with main purpose to produce light. This is typically some form of lamp. However, lighting can also refer to the use of natural light to provide illumination. 

The level of light on a surface is described as ' Illuminance ' an is measuredin lux (lx), where is equal to one lumen per square meter and the lumen is the SI unit (International System)  of luminous flux describing the quantity of light emitted by a lamp or received at a surface.

Lighting and health:

  • The effects of lighting on health and mood.
  • the importance of the variation of light levels from day to night to maintain the circadian system in the body which can determine patterns of alertness, co-ordination, blood pressure and cardiovascular efficiency.
  • The use of bright artificial light to give similar benefits to the natural lighting cycle.
  • The flickering of fluorescent lighting with magnetic ballasts and some light-emitting diodes (LEDs) which can cause headaches, eyestrain or epileptic seizures and agoraphobia.
  • High frequency fluorescent lighting and different types of LEDs, which can avoid these problems.
  • Whether special lighting can help people with dementia.


By this week lesson, we can conclude that building materials such as drainage system, fire alarm system, elevator, air conditional , lighting system and information and communication technology (ICT) network play a main role to maintain the high standard of comfort, services and living. With those materials, it is able to increase the efficiency in several area such as productivity, management and getting information. 

Wednesday 21 February 2018



Building Service I : Introduction

Task 1
Greetings from Group 9:
We are student Quantity Suryeying's from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Skudai. This is our assingment for sem II for the subject of building service.  

Here are our Group Members: 






Case Study

For this assignment, we choose Block 11, Faculty of Build Environment in UTM as our case study. Block 11 is the most familiar building to us because it contain the lecturers' rooms, teaching rooms, computer room and studio where the student often go to.

Block 11


Computer Lab

Facility in the Building

Block 11 is one of the block of Faculty of Build Environment and it is separated with the main building. It contain all the common facility which required for education and safety purpose. Since Block 11 is a low rise building, consist of 4 stories so there have no elevator. 

Gallery is a good place for students to gather for group work assignment. Table, chair, plug and wifi are prepared so students have a comfortable place to study.

There are a lot of studio for three different courses students to do practical work. For example, 5 studio is provided to quantity surveying student in 4th floor.

Lecture Hall

Lecturer Room

Fire extinguisher
For safety purpose, fire extinguisher is required for every floor.


solar system

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